Forskolin for high blood pressure and better cellular function

Coleus forskohlii which contains forskolin is one of the best herbal supplements out there, in my opinion. I have tried many herbs but this one gave me quick results which were easily noticable.

The first time I took it, I noticed a big difference regarding my gum disease although the supplement contained very low amounts of this amazing chemical.

At first, a couple of small wounds formed at the base of my teeth. Couple of days after that, small wounds began to diminish and new gum tissue began to grow. It was an amazing surprise to found a herb which is not only able to prevent the loss of gum tissue but to reverse gum disease, by encouraging the growth of new cells.

This was very helpful for me since gum disease is associated with heart related problems.


Forskolin increases cyclic AMP (cAMP) which improves communication between the cells, enzymes and hormones. By increasing the level of cell signaling molecule known as cAMP, it helps the body detect irregularities in body chemicals, more efficiently.

For example, if cortisol is too high, endocrine system will detect it more easily and decrease it, by modulating cortisol producing enzymes.

On the other hand, if growth hormone or testosterone are low, it will raise them, by increasing the output of hormone stimulating compounds in the hypothalamus.


Forskolin is very popular natural remedy for lowering high blood pressure. It is vasodilator which can expand blood vessels, by relaxing smooth muscles thereby lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow.

However, it may work in more ways than one, by affecting blood pressure modulating enzymes and hormones such as adrenaline.

I also noticed a drop in blood pressure, while taking it but it wasn't that big. Maybe because at the time my blood pressure was close to its  optimal values. However, a person with very high blood pressure should experience a bigger effect.

It is also used to treat blood clots. Forskolin improves  progesterone levels, a hormone which helps stabilize blood clotting mechanisms and reduces the risk of platelet aggregation, by opposing estrogen, a hormone responsible for coagulation.

Some people also use it to treate chest pain, heart failure and to strenghten heartbeat.


Besides carotenoids, the herb seems to be the best natural compound for reducing the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. According to scientific studies, it can increase skin's natural resistance to the UV light and stimulate a tanning response when applied on the skin.

I tried to rub a content of one capsule on my skin but I didn't noticed any measurable change in the color of my skin.

However, maybe I needed to leave it on longer. On the other hand, effective dose of active ingredients may be obtained only with a cream or it works only when taken orally.


Although I didn't measure my thyroid levels while taking forskolin, I did lose some weight while taking it. The herb can improve thyroid function in two ways.

First, it improves progesterone levels which assists in thyroid function, while directly stimulating  secretion of thyroid hormones.

However, it also increases the release of fatty acids from the adipose tissue allowing them to be burned for energy, more efficiently. Due to higher cAMP levels, herb may even stimulate secretion of digestive enzymes, according to scientists.


Coleus forskohlii is sold in 100 up to 250 mg capsules. Each capsule contains 10 to 20 percent of extract which gives you 10 to 50 mg of forskolin, per capsule.

Normal dose is ranging from 10 to 20 mg per day. That being said, I saw results with much lower doses, the first time I took it.

The longer you take it, the less effective it becomes. Body gets used to it. This is why I take one pill, once or maybe twice per week.


Although the herb is used for centuries, there are only a few research studies done, during which there weren't recorded any significant side effects.

However, people with kidney problems should avoid it, just to be on the safe side.

It may interact with blood thinners, heart and blood pressure medications as well as lead to dangerously low blood pressure. Also, there is not enough data regarding its safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Although people usually buy forskolin supplements to lower blood pressure, strenghten heartbeat or to lose weight, it can be used for other conditions, too.

Some people use it to treat glaucoma, urinary tract infections, allergy as well as to reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer, especially stomach cancer. 

Others use it to treat asthma, improve libido or to treat menstrual problems, thanks to its ability to improve progesterone levels. In my opinion, besides DIM and Adaptogens, Forskolin is one of the most useful supplements out there. However, it may not work for you as well it has worked for me. We are all different.

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