Crossfit workouts: Raise your fitness on another level

Crossfit workouts are used by elite athletes, military, special forces, firefighters, police and other organizations which require balanced, yet high level of overall fitness.

It helps develop several abilities which are necessary in this line of work. However, due to intensity and complexity of these kind of workouts, it also helps improve endurance. It is one of the reasons why people use crossfit for heart function improvement.


Main features of crossfit training is the fact it incorporates all kinds of exercises into its routine which hit the entire body.

It may consists of several strength exercises, agility drills, explosive or plyometric drills such as jumping or sprinting, 1 mile runs, power cleans and rope climbing.

Although equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, pull-up bars, kettlebells, medicine balls and ropes are usually required, it can be done with only  your own bodyweight and a little bit of imagination.


Crossfit training causes increase in strength, speed, power, agility as well as improvement in aerobic and anaerobic endurance. Since it incorporates diverse array of exercises and levels of intensity, it forces the heart muscle as well as the body to adapt accordingly.

However, you don't need to use this style of training constantly. Mixing it with other cardio exercises can give you better results and level of fitness, while minimizing the risk of side effects associated with crossfit.


Since crossfit workouts consists of strength whole body exercises and tend to be intense, there is a potential risk of rhabdomyolysis, chronic muscle pain and kidney damage.

These side effects are associated with overtraining, no matter what kind of workouts you do. However, due to nature of crossfit, these kind of risks are even greater.


I personally like to combine it with other types of workouts, partly to break the routine and shock my body, from time to time. I wouldn't recommed it to begginers or to the individuals with kidney problems.

Also, don't use it for prolonged amount of time, in order to avoid crossfit dangers. I do it once per month or for a whole month but in this case I make sure to take 2 - 3 months of break from crossfit workouts.


  1. Jog for 3 - 5 minutes and then sprint for 30 seconds.
  2. Do push ups or burpees and mountain climbers till failure.
  3. Box jumps, do air squats or jump rope, if you can find one. You can also use chair, a box or small wall for box jumps.
  4. Dips. You should find at least something to do them, for example, a chair or an old bench. 
  5. Crunches or floor leg raises.
  6. Repeat 3 - 5 times.


  1. Jog for 3 - 5 minutes and then sprint for 30 seconds.
  2. Bench press with moderate weight in accordance with your strength level.
  3. Do barbell squats or deadlifts but don't go to failure. This way you reduce the risk of lower back injury. 
  4. Pull ups or chin ups till failure.
  5. Do leg raises with alternating rotations, while hanging from a pull up bar.
  6. Repeat 3 - 5 times.


  1. Jog for 3 - 5 minutes and then sprint for 30 seconds.
  2. Wallballs till failure.
  3. Tire flips.
  4. Rope climb.
  5. Toes to bar or kettlebell swings for core strength.
  6. Repeat 3 - 5 times.


There are few other variations to these crossfit workouts. You can tailor your workout routine based on your personal preference.

For example, clean and jerk instead of upper body exercises, lunges and squat variations for lower body, side to side shuffles or bicycle crunches for core strength and running or sprinting with sudden changes in direction such as triangle sprints.

You can also stretch between each round to prepare for the next one.

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