The Aftermath: 7 Side Effects Of Eating Pineapples

A pineapple is one of the most nutritious fruits we have. It is loaded with nutrients that our body needs, including vitamins C, B1, and B6. It is also rich in manganese, pantothenic acid, folate, and dietary fiber. 

Although there is no question as to the immense health benefits of pineapples, too much consumption of this crowned fruit may cause undesirable side effects. It’s still much better to eat in moderation.

If you happen to be one of those who just can’t resist this prickly yet unbelievably affordable juicy fruit, then you should know the side effects of eating pineapples. Here are seven of them.

1. Increase in Blood Sugar Levels

This is probably one of the most common side effects of pineapples, considering that this fruit becomes very sweet. A cup of pineapple can contain up to 16 grams of sugar.

If you eat two cups, you’d have finished almost an entire can of Coke with the amount of sugar you’d consume. Eating sugar can easily elevate your blood sugar levels, causing headaches and increased thirst.

2. Cause Damage to Teeth

Possibly caused by the tremendous amounts of sugar contained in them, pineapples are also known to cause toothaches here and there. If it isn’t causing you to have cavities, it’s definitely making your teeth remarkably desensitized.

Pineapples are citrus fruits, which means they are highly acidic. These acids are known to affect the enamel of your teeth, causing painful tooth decays. There’s nothing wrong with eating pineapples, but it is advisable to consume the fruit in adequate amounts.

3. Instances of Mouth Swelling

Aside from affecting your teeth, pineapples can also cause swelling in and around your mouth area. After eating pineapples, you might notice a tingling sensation in your mouth. Unfortunately, that tingling sensation is nothing but your mouth reacting to the meat-tenderizing properties of pineapples.

Your lips and tongue are probably swelling at this point, and your cheeks have probably jutted out just a tad. This is expected to resolve itself unless you just continuously decide to eat more and more pineapples.

4. Allergic Reactions

If at any point of your pineapple-eating escapade, you experience any symptoms resembling that of rash, hives, irritation, or itching, you’re probably experiencing an allergic reaction. Pineapples have been known to cause allergic reactions in some people.

This side effect can go anywhere from mild to serious, and you’ll know how bad it is in just a matter of seconds after consumption. If you suddenly have difficulty breathing after ingesting any small amount of pineapple, you are more than likely experiencing anaphylactic shock.

This is a serious medical situation that needs attention from professionals right away.

5. Medication Interactions

The reactions pineapples can induce do not stop with allergies. They can also interact with any or some medications you might already be taking. Pineapples are rich in bromelain, an enzyme that is generally medically helpful for the body. It helps digest proteins and also can increase the number of antibodies absorbed by the body.

However, the same bromelain can be dangerous when combined with antibiotics, anticoagulants, blood thinners, insomnia drugs, antidepressants, and a few others.

The side effects can be anywhere from your medications not working for you completely to bleeding out from a small cut. Alcohol can also interact with bromelain, so try not to consume too many glasses of pineapple juice and coconut rum all at once.

6. Effects on Pregnancy

For pregnant women, eating pineapples can pose a threat that’s more serious than anything else. Uterine contractions, which some women experience during their menstrual period, may also affect expectant mothers.

The contractions can cause harm to the fetus and can lead to miscarriage. This is how eating too many pineapples may cause. And while you may crave a bite or two while pregnant, waiting to eat pineapples until after the baby comes may be the best thing to do.

7. Other Severe Issues

Consumption of unripe pineapples and its juices can also cause complications. These complications can be related to ingestion of excessive bromelain. Some of these severe health issues are extreme diarrhea and vomiting.

Dehydration is the imminent danger when diarrhea and vomiting occurs, and it’s a serious matter.

Other problems, which may not be as dangerous but can be a nuisance, include an excessive menstrual bleeding due to uterine contractions and nausea.

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