How and when to take supplements to get optimal results

By knowing how and when to take supplements and herbs, you can get "the most bang for your buck". Using them wisely will ensure you get best results, while you save some money along the way.


Taking them on empty stomach is usually the best time to take supplements. It is the reason why many nutritionists and doctors recommend taking a specific drug or supplement as soon as you wake up.

Since your digestive system is usually empty, following a fasted period such as after good night of sleep, the first thing you eat or drink in this time period, will be assimilated by body to the fullest.


Piperine or bioperine is extracted from black pepper, while DHB or dihydroxybergamottin is found in grapefruit. These two compounds are able to increase bioavailability of drugs, herbs and supplements.

Bioperine works by stimulating secretion of gastric acid in the stomach. Gastric acid helps brake-down nutrients and aids in digestion.

DHB acts by inhibiting certain enzymes which are responsible for metabolising many chemical compounds. As DHB inhibits these enzymes, concentrations of certain drugs, hormones, herbs and supplements in the blood can get elevated.


Herbs and supplements such as DIM, D-Aspartic acid, I3C, tribulus, resveratrol, adaptogens, forskolin and other ones that act on the  endocrine system are the most effective when taken either before going to bed or right after you wake up.

During REM sleep the body produces most of its daily dose of hormones. By stimulating the endocrine system, before going to sleep with some of these supplements, you will be able to improve your own natural hormonal production.

On the other hand, besides testosterone and HGH, cortisol and estrogen are also elevated in the morning because of which taking adaptogens and anti-estrogen supplements can help lower these two a little bit faster, when taken right after you wake up.

NOTE: It is not that taking these type of supplements and herbs won't be effective, if taken during the day. However, I noticed that I get slightly better results, if I take them before going to bed or right after I wake up.

Also, relaxing herbs such as valerian, passionflower, hops or kava-kava is usually best to take before going to bed, if you use them.


This one is no brainer. Preworkout supplements such as caffeine, citrulline, yohimbine and beta alanine are the most effective when taken 15 to 45 minutes before working out.

However, if you have some kind of heart problem or some other medical condition, I would advise you to stay away from these type of supplements, especially from stimulants such as caffeine.

Although I used to drink a little bit of coffee, I personally didn't want to try any preworkout supplements, before I got rid of my heart disease. I suggest you do the same.


If you are having digestive problems such as nausea, diarrhea or heartburn due to gastric reflux, while taking certain supplement on empty stomach, then taking it with food should help you avoid these kind of problems.

This only applies, if digestive problems are caused by oversensitive digestive system due to that particular herb or supplement. In situations such as this one, improving your intestinal flora may help.

However, if the compound you are taking is causing these kind of problems because you are allergic to it, then don't take it all.


By cycling certain supplements you will get the most from them and save a lot of money in the process. They will also last you much longer. 

I have noticed that few supplements such as test boosters, anti-estrogens, immune system boosters and even vitamin D3 and fish oil are more beneficial when taken every few days, instead of every single day.

There is an upper limit within we can boost our own natural hormonal production as well as stimulate immune system without risking autoimmune reaction. On the other hand, megadosing supplements such as fish oil and vitamin D, every single day, can cause more harm then good, over time.

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Hawthorn Extract - min 1,8 % Vitexin